Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

I am 61 years old and think I only begun to be myself over the last year or two.

I believe ‘being myself’ is truly loving and accepting myself.

Life would have been so much easier if I had learned that as a child or perhaps not as it’s only in adversity one learns …

I have spoken at length about my cancer journey. However that isn’t the only journey I have been on.

Each journey taught me lessons and led to me being the person I am today.

I was 21 when my Father died.

I have a husband who went bankrupt.

I have a son who was addicted to drugs and had a spell in prison.

Another son who was seriously ill.

My husband and I at the age of 59 & 67 respectively fostered 3 children for 6 months.

All of these situations made me the person I am today. However it has taken time and therapy to ‘be myself’ to love the person I am now.

I have life skills which I could not learn or train for.

A friend asked me what my new business ‘INSIDE OUT’ is offering, and I guess the answer is ‘me’ the me with the baggage that I have shed from the past. I cannot offer therapy but can point you in a direction if that is what you want. I am a good listener. I am not trained as a stylist but love shopping and clothes. I can take you to my favourite shops and we can have fun.

I don’t believe we should buy clothes that are in fashion or even necessarily suit us. We should buy clothes that help us to love ourselves. Not because they are expensive or designer but because they help us to fall back in love with ourselves.

3 thoughts on “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

  1. I totally get what you are saying. I recently bought a denim jacket and didn’t know if I was too old for this look at nearly 54. However, I love how it makes me feel and I am gonna rock it! Anna x


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